- Most Ancient Discoveries made in Somaliland
Posted to the web 10:02 Dec 29 2003
- Dec 29 2003 Mandeeq Tribune, - Xavier Gutherz professor of Archaeology at Paul Valery University III Montpellier, France is back in the country for more detailed study of the superbly preserved pre - historic hand painting at La'as Ga'al site in Dubato area of Hargeisa region.
The studious and soft spoken Archaeology arrived on Dec 4th Dec 03 leading a diverse team specialists 10 members French team that started it's work on the 5th of Dec, .
Professor Gutherz in a interview at the La'as Ga'al site with THT correspondent Yusuf M Hassan said that the paintings are more sophisticated than another found in Ethiopia, Djibouti and Eritrea which makes La'as Ga'al the most important Neolithic rock painting site in the entire Horn of Africa and most probably the rest of Africa " these paintings are older than other in the horn of Africa region and my estimate places them around 300 yrs of age though proper dating is to be done in Paris after our return to ascertain exact age" he added Eleven caves with similar painting within the Dubato area support the professors theory of La'as Ga'al archaeological value as the painting are more of high quality than any in the Horn Prof Gurtherz think that the hand painters used La'as Ga'al as the main religious temple and sacrificial place for the pre-organized religious era prevalent at the time.
The paintings are dominated by a man with both hands raised up as in prayer with a cow whose neck is draped in a colorful cloth. There are paintings of other animals like donkeys, goats and other one similar to a dog.
He pointed out that the archeological importance of La'as Ga'al is going to place Somaliland in the world headlines thus become a part of the country's quest for international recognition. Professor Gutherz pointed out that his first mission of Dec, 2002 has generated a lot of curiosity and interest in France about Somaliland after it was covered by Le Monde, France's leading Newspaper.
He thanked the Government of Somaliland for making his second mission a reality through the ministry of Tourism and Culture. Minister Osman Ali Bile and the dept. of tourism staff who laid the carpet for his team and has been with the French day and night to ensure security and mission success.
Prof. Xavier Gutherz concluded by promising to return for other research missions in the future. At the same interview the minister of Tourism and Culture who has been visiting French and Somaliland teams at La'as Ga'al informed the public that no diggings for Gold or other treasures was being done. These scientists from France are engaged in archeological research which holds no financial gain for them at all, their research findings will ultimately belong to the country he informed. Osman Ali Bile further stated that not a single item will be removed from the site "Prof Xavier Gutherz has requested that the site be placed under strict supervision to ensure that the paintings retain their originality" he revealed.
The Minister asked the residents of Dubato to be vigilante against treasure hunters and others intent on malicious destruction , he concluded by promising to push for legislative and other protective measure.
Part 2 of this news article will be featuring Professor Xavier Gutherz and the team profiles here at Somaliland Net soon.
Names of the team of Professor Xavier Gutherz
1 - Roger Joussaume
2 - Dr. Cros Jean Paul (Archaeologist)
3 - Madame Pascale Richardin Erica dine
4 - Ms. Muriel Richard (Archaeologist)
5 - Etien Collob (Journalist)
Publication Credit
This news article was published Dec 14 at Mandeeq Tribune Paper.
Posted by M Ghalib, Somaliland Net.
Email: news@somalilandnet.com
Source: Mandeeq Tribune
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